
1. Must cost $10* or less.
2. Must be located in LA County.
3. Must have less than 5 locations. No huge chains welcomed.
4. Must not require coupons, Groupons or other one-time deals.
5. Must be tasty!

*Price does not include tax, gratuity or beverages.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Want to Eat Balsa Wood?

Let's switch things up for a moment. Gourmet Miser loves good food, especially at fair prices so we can eat even more good food. The process is cyclical. So it saddens us when we find really disgusting food. And believe us, to bring you these tasty posts we encounter plenty of unappetizing and sometimes downright terrible sorry-excuses for food.

Without fanfare and further adieu, we present this unholy abomination from Planet Eco Cafe in Hermosa Beach. Get this, it's called Kalamari (notice that it's spelled with a 'K' which should have been our first warning sign). We're pretty adventurous so we ordered this up. To give you an idea of what it tasted like imagine eating a ground-up model airplane dipped in Miracle Whip...wait scratch that, that's insulting to Balsa Wood and mayo which actually sound appetizing compared to whatever this was. We're sorry Eco Cafe, perhaps your other menu selections are more acceptable, but after eating this questionably not-food item, we are going to avoid you like the plague!

We don't even remember the price, blocked it out of our memory...

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