
1. Must cost $10* or less.
2. Must be located in LA County.
3. Must have less than 5 locations. No huge chains welcomed.
4. Must not require coupons, Groupons or other one-time deals.
5. Must be tasty!

*Price does not include tax, gratuity or beverages.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bisquick, Eat Your Heart Out!

A waffle's a waffle right? Wrong! Today, we bring you not just any waffle, but a dessert waffle packed with caramelized sugary loveliness, not too sweet...just riiiiiiiight! It's morning now and our stomachs are starting to growl just blogging about this. Gourmet Miser wants to be fed please...

Anyway, here's contestant numero uno from Syrup Desserts in Downtown.

This is the Syrup Signature original liege waffle with blueberry ice cream, fresh strawberries, fresh blueberries, strawberry glaze, whipped cream and powdered sugar. Ah, it's like your taste buds bought a plane ticket, flew to Belgium, danced to a little "Stereo Love" and spent only 4 bucks and some change.

That's right, this incredibly yummy waffle is only $4.75!

Syrup Desserts
611 S Spring St
Los Angeles, CA 90014

1 comment:

  1. You should also try the Waffle in Hollywood and post about it on your site. yummmmmmy!
